'WFKumuyicompassion' Tagged Posts

'WFKumuyicompassion' Tagged Posts

https://dclm.org/possessing-true-holiness-and-love-beyond-human-hospitality (2)

Point 2. THE INDISPENSABILITY OF STEADFAST HOLINESS WITHOUT HYPOCRISY Hebrews 12:14; Luke 1:75; Romans 6:22; Ephesians 4:23-24; 5:25-27; Acts 24:16 There are lots of people that can do or act in a way that appears holy, but there is so much hypocrisy connected with their lifestyle. There can be hospitality with hypocrisy. Don’t allow your holiness to be outward righteousness with hypocrisy, for such will amount to nothing. Liberality with hypocrisy will not get anyone to heaven. Lot of innocence…